Strange Battery--Grenadine
"Mabel and Me" was a little bittersweet feeling, yet humorous at the same time.
"Grenadine" really made me chuckle with the old time piano and the over the top lyrics well done!
"Watch Out"-- perfect timing for Halloween. Definitely reminds me of those old Halloween songs (for some reason it reminded me of Napoleon XIV's "They're coming to take me away")
"Ice Cream Man" Fantastic! If only corporate America marketed healthy food the way they market their ice cream.
"Horsies" Spot on with the carousel music!
"The Knight" very melancholy. Is the character wishing he weren't the knight in shining armor?
"The Princess" flows very nicely from "The Knight." I'm really liking the way you're tying everything together.
"Chuggin" really cracked me up with the Kazoo.
"Family Band" Hilarious!
"All of the Pasta" is an instant Italian restaurant classic.
"Long way Home"
"Sneaker Shoes" Very impressed with your tap skills. I took tap lessons for a few months in high school and could never get passed "rat-a-tat-tat"...
Overall: I really enjoyed this album from Strange Battery. The combination of humorous interpretations of vaudville-esque music with the melancholy ballads really sent it over the top for me.
Lobster Shanty--Tremendous
Overall: Great grooves and funky beats! I'm not a huge fan of funk because it tends to all sound very similar, but I enjoyed this. Also, was the innuendo in "Mr. Porcupine" intentional? Porn music guitars with a "pokey porcupine?" Just saying.
Logan Bradley--HzlHrst
"The Bathing of Pallas" is right up my alley. I love the text being read. I'd love to see it expanded upon more.
"From the Coast" Totally dig the ending of this one!
"Tinned Hide" The chorus is really emotional. The intense instrumental parts really make it seem like the vocals are begging for relief.
"Without a murder" is really cool. The electronics at the beginning create an anticipation for the guitars to come in. The delay on the guitar sounds a little U2-y.
"Collared Coward" I was really into it and then the bar scene came in and confused the crap outta me. It makes sense with the story though. Just broke the music up, which I guess was your point.
"Crossroads" Love the ostinato and how you cover it up and make it feel that it is changing and detuning. I feel like this could be turned into a longer, more minimal piece. The changes occur too rapidly for my tastes.
"Aint my baby no more" makes me feel like I'm downtown Nashville. (Except better playing and singing!)
Overall: I had a lot of fun listening to this, and anticipate listening to it a few more times to see if there's anything I missed or misinterpreted. Also, your album cover is killer!
Mike Webber- Morning Waits for No One
"Song 1" is a nice, feel-good, electronic introduction.
"The Candle March" I love the feeling of uneasiness and the light humor at the end.
"Morning Waits for No One" The lyrics are great! I particularly like the juxtoposition of "reckless and alone" with "cautious and prepared."
"Scarecrow's Song" I like the overall feeling I get from this song. However, all of the parts starting at 2:33 create a really jarring chord that I don't feel goes with the rest of the music.
Album cover makes me hungry.
Clock Systeme--"Droides"
I really liked the way this started off, though I started to get bored after a while. When the dance music came in, I kind of shut off. Not really my thing. The ending was really nice with the angelic plagal cadence coming out of the noise.This would benefit with a video to go along with it as well. The female voice reminds me of "GLaDOS" from Portal.
Lots of music to listen to an review and I'm hungry! Be back later with more thoughts!
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